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简介1.最近上海的天气2.天气预报说什么出行指数几级几级 穿衣指数几级几级是一级好还是九级好啊穿衣指数有8级:一级:炎热;二级:较热;:稍热;四级:凉爽,临沂天气;五级:较凉,沈阳天气;六级:稍冷;七级:较冷;八级:寒冷。穿衣气象指数共分8级,指数越小,穿衣的厚度越薄。1-2级为夏季着装,指短款衣类,衣服厚度,在4毫米以下;3-5级为春秋过渡季节着装,从单衣、夹衣、风衣到毛衣类,服装厚度在4-15毫米


2.天气预报说什么出行指数几级几级 穿衣指数几级几级是一级好还是九级好啊


穿衣指数有8级:一级:炎热;二级:较热;:稍热;四级:凉爽,临沂天气;五级:较凉,沈阳天气;六级:稍冷;七级:较冷;八级:寒冷。穿衣气象指数共分8级,指数越小,穿衣的厚度越薄。1-2级为夏季着装,指短款衣类,衣服厚度,在4毫米以下;3-5级为春秋过渡季节着装,从单衣、夹衣、风衣到毛衣类,服装厚度在4-15毫米;6-8级为冬季服装,主要指棉服,羽绒眼类,天气预报查询,其服装厚度在15毫米以上。相关的主题文章:天水4县遭雹洪袭击直接经济损失近亿元暴涨的万泉河水位回落 公路旁市民垂钓



2009-03-19 星期四

雷阵雨转阴 22℃~13℃ 风力:3-4级 至 4-5级紫外线指数:2,弱。紫外线强度较弱,建议出门前涂擦SPF在12-15之间、PA+的防晒护肤品。










2009-03-19 Thursday

Thundershower negative 22 ℃ ~ 13 ℃ Wind :3-4 to 4-5 grade UV Index: 2, weak. UV radiation intensity is weak, the proposed wiping out in front of SPF at 12-15 between, PA + sunscreen skin care products.

Comfort Index: 0, comfort. During the day and not too hot nor too cold, wind not trust you in such weather conditions, should be relatively cool and comfortable feel.

Somatosensory index: minimum temperature 12 ° C, maximum temperature 21 ° C

SPF: 2, weak. UV radiation intensity is weak, the proposed SPF rubbed at 12-15 between, PA + sunscreen skin care products.

Heat stroke index: 0, no. Temperature is not high, the other suitable weather conditions, heat stroke is extremely low probability.

Dressing index: 3, warm. Recommended a long-sleeved shirt pants add a single transition, such as the Spring and Autumn loaded. Frail elderly are advised to forward to a long-sleeved knit shirt, vest and trousers.

Air Conditioning Index: 4, and less open. You will feel very comfortable, in general do not need to open the air-conditioning.

Car wash Index: 4, should not be. Not washing, the next 24 hours there is rain during this period if the car wash, rain and mud on the road probably will again dirty your car.

Fishing Index: 3, should not be. Bad weather, there is wind, not suitable for fishing.


2009-03-20 星期五

多云转阵雨 19℃~12℃ 风力:4-5级紫外线指数:2,弱。紫外线强度较弱,建议出门前擦SPF在12-15之间、PA+的防晒护肤品。










2009-03-20 Friday

Cloudy with showers to 19 ℃ ~ 12 ℃ Wind :4-5 UV Index: 2, weak. UV radiation intensity is weak, the proposed wiping out in front of SPF at 12-15 between, PA + sunscreen skin care products.

Comfort Index: 0, comfort. During the day and not too hot nor too cold, wind not trust you in such weather conditions, should be relatively cool and comfortable feel.

Somatosensory index: minimum temperature 10 ° C, maximum temperature 18 ° C

SPF: 2, weak. UV radiation intensity is weak, the proposed SPF rubbed at 12-15 between, PA + sunscreen skin care products.

Heat stroke index: 0, no. Temperature is not high, the other suitable weather conditions, heat stroke is extremely low probability.

Dressing index: 4, comfortable. The proposed package or a thin denim shirt and trousers, such as the Spring and Autumn loaded transition. Frail elderly are advised to the suit, jacket.

Air Conditioning Index: 4, and less open. You will feel very comfortable, in general do not need to open the air-conditioning.

Car wash Index: 2, more ropriate. More ropriate for car washing, the next two days, no rain, but the larger the wind, scrubbed 1 new vehicle will cast dust.

Fishing Index: 2, more ropriate. More suitable for fishing, but slightly larger than the wind will he a certain impact fishing.

天气预报说什么出行指数几级几级 穿衣指数几级几级是一级好还是九级好啊

2008-03-05 晴 6℃~16℃ 东南风3-4级

2008-03-06 多云转阴 5℃~18℃ 北风4-5级

2008-03-07 多云 4℃~14℃ 东风3-4级

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